ToolJet can connect to your Slack workspace to send messages.
To establish a connection with the Slack datasource, you can either click on the + Add new Data source button located on the query panel or navigate to the Data Sources page through the ToolJet dashboard.
![Slack datasource: ToolJet](/img/datasource-reference/slack/connect-v2.png)
![Slack datasource: ToolJet](/img/datasource-reference/slack/authorize-v2.png)
The App (which credentials are provided) needs to be installed in the workspace to use the Slack data source, and it needs to be added to the channel where you want to post the message.
Querying Slack
- Click on + Add button of the query manager at the bottom panel of the editor.
- Select the Slack datasource added in previous step.
- Select the desired operation.
- Click on the Preview button to preview the output or Click on the Run button to create and trigger the query.
![Slack datasource: ToolJet](/img/datasource-reference/slack/operations.png)
Supported Operations
List Members
This operation will return the data of all the members in your slack workspace.
![Slack datasource: ToolJet](/img/datasource-reference/slack/listmembers-v2.png)
Send Message
This operation will send/post the message to a specified channel or posting to direct messages (also known as DMs or IMs) in your slack workspace.
Required Parameters
- Channel
- Message
![Slack datasource: ToolJet](/img/datasource-reference/slack/sendmessage-v2.png)
List Messages
This operation will get the messages from a specified channel.
Required Parameters
- Channel
- Limit
- Next Cursor
![Slack datasource: ToolJet](/img/datasource-reference/slack/listmessages-v2.png)